Yacht deliveries Scotland
YACHT DELIVERY SCOTLAND BOAT AND YACHT DELIVERY SCOTLAND AND UK. Glasgow City Boats offer yacht delivery services all throughout the UK and Europe. How it works?
Glasgow City Boats guide to Upper Clyde Navigation:
Glasgow 55 51’N 004 16’W
Vhf channel; 12 – Estuary control
Glasgow tide information; MHWS 4.8 metres MHWN 3.9 metres
MLWS 0.7 metres MLWN 1.8 metres.
Admiralty chart 2007 – River Clyde
A commonly asked question we get is: “can I take my boat up to Glasgow and where can I berth it”?
We will explain in further detail.
The upper clyde is generally navigable to small boats at all times and tides up to central station.
Distance from number 1 buoy Greenock to Glasgow central station approx 19 nautical miles.
Small boat are allowed up and required to report in to Estuary control on vhf channel 12 when entering the channel at number 1 buoy at Greenock.
The whole of the upper clyde is classed as a narrow channel and rule 9 of the colregs should be complied with. The channel is not suitable for vessels under sail and should continue by power only.
There are a number of pontoons and berths available for berthing:
Clydebank pontoon outside Clydebank college: booking required by calling 0141 951 3420
Kelvin Harbour pontoons; (berthing Fee applies) bookable by contacting the tall ship on 0141 357 3699. Has a secure entrance and water and electricity.
Glasgow city council pontoons (3 nights free berthing) contact 0141 287 9028 or filling out booking form: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/artic…/21416/Pontoon-Booking-Form
Council pontoons include:
Govan: directly opposite tall ship at riverside museum. Not our first choice for safety.
Yorkhill: East side of Riverside museum. Safe.
Plantation pontoon: outside BBC Scotland building south side of river. It is upriver of the Millenium foot bridge which has a clearance of 3.2 metres . This bridge is currently unable to open due to repairs. This pontoon has a water supple to it. Safe.
All council pontoons can cater for vessels up to 200 tons and free for up to 3 nights.
The pontoon behind the science centre at Princess Dock is out of service and not safe to use and not accessible.
The Pontoon outside the Crown Plaza hotel is owned by the SECC and can be booked 0141 275 6270.
A listening watch on vhf channel 12 and 16 is required at all times.
Care should be given as not to cause wash or wake when passing pontoons or moored vessels.
There are slipways at the Renfrew ferry and riverside museum, both charge to launch and recover. Contact Renfrew ferry driver or tall ship to book.
Berthing available in Rothesay Dock http://www.clydeboatyard.com
A great facility, they have berthing and lift out facilities. The guys who work there are first class. Clyde Boatyard
More information can be found in the Clyde Leisure navigation guide published by Peel Ports and can be found here. https://www.peelports.com/…/8-clyde-leisure-navigation-guid…
As always feel free to contact us at Glasgow City Boats for any help / Info. We have been navigating the upper Clyde for over 15 years.
YACHT DELIVERY SCOTLAND BOAT AND YACHT DELIVERY SCOTLAND AND UK. Glasgow City Boats offer yacht delivery services all throughout the UK and Europe. How it works?
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